Many people choose to make their purchases online because it's easy and less time consuming. Recent studies showed that around 20% of Internet users shop online once per week and this number is growing strong. This is good news for manufacturers and retailers but it also has a downside: companies are investing more money in online store development therefore the competition is increasing.
The hard part of converting online shoppers into buyers is to get them past the point where they need to see a product in person. No matter how large monitors grow, viewing a product from a stationary perspective is a boring exercise. The consumer invariable thinks how can I see the other functions? What does it look like from the side, the back? How can I get a closer look? How can sellers solve this problem? One of the decisions is using 360 degree product view. 360 degree product photography is interactive, it improves the whole shopping experience because of their better feature communication and gains trust bonus points for your shop and products. It also increases the likelihood to make a purchase due to the fact that you present more information than "the other virtual shop". Well crafted 360 degree rotating product images are user friendly and include simple controls allowing companies to use them in multimedia presentations, trade shows and interactive product catalogues and also increase their brand awareness.
Now, you might say "If is not heavily used in e-commerce shops it might be hard to implement, not suitable for my products or very expensive". But it's not. New on-line web software solution for sellers makes using of 360 degree product presentation fast and easy, just like inserting a flash animation, YouTube video or an image to website. It can be used for most of the products sold online like shoes, clothes, jewelry, gifts, consumer electronics, computer hardware, toys, house wares, sports equipment, health, watches and beauty products, etc. And the best part is that it's free.
More and more companies are leveraging 360 degree or 3D product animations on their web sites and in some cases throughout their distribution networks. Some of your competitors are using 360 degree product movies but they are investing hundreds of thousands of dollars working with overpriced agencies and expensive photo studios. provides low-cost product presentations.
It’s going to be as common as the "home button". In 3-4 years all major product manufacturers will have 360 degree or 3D product presentation. Even today’s web site is losing business with the absence of 360 degree, spinning or 3D product perspectives. With Ad-Words and web sites costing so much these days, why not add the missing ingredient that will improve conversion ratios and make your web site and company more successful.
Get your 360 degree product view - use online solution by