What is 360 Degree Product View?
If we take 15-30 images in sequence and load them into an adobe flash based player we are able to show those images in a 3d viewer so your users are able to navigate your product in a 360 degree view. This technology started with motion pictures. AAlso You can insert photo gallery and product description at you 3DPhoto, as shown in this example.
How to use this 3DPhoto free?
more samples...
Why do I need use 3DPhotos?
This type of product photography will enable your customers to get a 3-D view, giving them a virtual real life experience. Using this 360 degree spin technique, they will able to see the necessary details in order to make an informed buying decision. This 360 degree experience is proven to increases sales, improve site content.
In a 'real' shop customers like to 'handle, examine and explore' an item prior to purchase. Rotating 360 degree images simulate this for the customer. This level of engagement allows customers to fully explore products thus creating more sales and fewer product returns.
How much will it cost?
3DBin has 3 subscription plans. One of them named "Basic account" is absolutely free. It means that You can use service, and dont't need pay for it.
How do I integrate these in my ebay?
It's simple. You only need copy and paste the HTML to eBay and 3DBin made all instead of you. To find more see our tutorial.
How does it work?
You will take some pictures of a product as shown on video tutorial, we process them, assemble them in Flash and allow you to drag and rotate them at will.
If you have any question please visit our contact page and send us feedback.

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